Sunday, September 2, 2007

JACKETS: PART 3: Just A Light Jacket

Today's jacket theme is just "light" -- pretty light colors like cream and "dove" and "sandcastle" and even white.

First, my absolute top fantasy pick of the bunch:

(Eley Kishimoto)
I have no idea how much this is or if it's even still available as it's from Eley Kishimoto's 04/05 collection. Boo. But a beauty indeed.

($1695, Burberry, Nordstrom)
Okay, a wee bit out of my price range, especially since I absolutely belabored a $118 purchase of a jacket today at Macys. But if I were in the habit of dropping close to 2 grand on a jacket, this would be the first one I'd drop it on. And I love that its color is called "dove." Sigh.

($110, BP, Nordstrom)
A more realistic jacket from Nordstrom.

($212, Diesel,
Any greener and this would be too green, but the light mint is sort of lovely. There's something very Pacific Northwest about this jacket -- and in a good way.

($58, Delias)
The capelet -- classic, yet definitely not for my shape. Yet this one is simple and timeless nevertheless.

($111, Diesel,
Can you ever go wrong with a fitted jacket? No. No, you can't. And Diesel's Bicik jacket is tres parfait, no?

($78, Lux, Urban Outfitters)
I sorta like this, and I'm sorta like "meh." No big whoop either way.

($29.50, Old Navy)
Definitely cute. (This is the "sandcastle," btw). Reminds me of a similar jacket I had in college and makes me wonder what the hell happened to it ("it" being the jacket, not college, though sometimes I wonder what the hell happened to that too).

($39, Yag,
Once again, Lulu's Fashion Lounge (and I swear I don't work for them) hits one out of the park with an awesome looks-ten-times-more-expensive-than-it-actually-is piece. This jacket is truly adorable, and again, looks like Mike & Chris, and I'd totes buy this if I weren't positive I'd stain it by the third wear.