Rousing, eh? I don't know if this installment will live up to the GIANT! LOGO! PARTY! of the last one, but maybe you can live with that. Here is info on a couple more of our awesome amazing verygood prizes, to be given out at an undetermined time TONIGHT at our birfday party. Wooh! Let's...commence:
I first was exposed to Campfire Goods at the Renegade Craft Fair, which by the way is coming up again (Brooklyn, June 16 and 17, dirty McCarren Park), and they will be there again this year. At the time I may or may not have been been obsessed with state T-shirts and contemplated heading for the nearest ATM in order to complete my collection, for the Campfire folks are even crazier about states than I was.
I would of course have to get the Jersey Girl shirt, $17. FHS forever!
And this is just so pretty: Flower Bear shirt, $17. They use lovely scoop-neck American Apparel tees for a nice feminine look.
I am totally getting the Dive Gowanus shirt for my design-appreciating boyfriend, whose office space looks out on the not-so-lovely canal in question. Maybe he can wear it canoeing on the Gowanus, or just stick to gongoozling (what a fantastic word, huh?).
Does the sort of ignorance referenced here drive you crazy too? Be a stickler without saying a a word with the There, They're shirt, $17.
A shirt within a shirt: surprisingly cute! Forward shirt, $17.
Maybe Carl could wear this Meathead shirt, $17, and I could wear my Threadless piece of meat shirt, and we'd be like twins! Or, less incestuously I suppose, Mr. and Mrs. Meat. Just go with me on this, people. We could go around complimenting people on their chops, if, say, they were doing an especially fine job of acting, or perhaps guitar soloing. "Nice chops!" "You too!" You feel me? No? Nevermind...
I could sit here extending dubious analogies all afternoon, but I'll refrain. Why don't you just go and look at all the Campfire offerings over at their website, They have been ridiculously cool and sent us a BUNCH of tees to give away. Girls' stuff only -- sorry, fellas! You're welcome, ladies!
Do we have any crafters in the house? Something tells me we do. Well, the superfine folks at Sublime Stitching sent us not one, not two, not three, but FOUR crazy cool embroidery patterns to give away. It's really easy to learn (Tamron taught me the simplest stitches in a few minutes), and you can get this stitch-it kit, whose excellence I can vouch for, to get started. You can start off doing hand towels and pillowcases, and eventually you could be like Ms. Lohan herself and crafting fully awesome deer totes! What could be cuter?
Here's what we've got to give away on Friday:
Kurt Halsey pattern, $3.
Rock 'n' Roll pattern, $3.
And frankly I forget what the other two are. But rest assured: If you've got the moves, they've got the motion. If you get together you'd be causin' a commotion. Maybe one day you can even reach the heights of cuteness that T.Lo achieved with her deer tote...remember?

But the fun does not stop there. One of our fave stores, Modcloth, is in the mix too. I'm ready to throw caution to the wind and purchase all of their hoodies. How presh are these:
Chica Boom Ahoy hoodie, $49.99. Nautical and just a little odd, but in a good way.
Grey Gardens hoodie, $49.99. So insanely cute, it's almost impossible to tell it's a sweatshirt! Superscore!
This is exactly the kind of dress you see effortlessly cool girls in the East Village rocking with, like, Frye boots. And pockets! Storm Cloud dress, $52.99.
But one cannot live on clothes alone.
Chained Up Heart necklace, $18.99.
Big Apple necklace, $24.99. Yums.
Interesting hairstyle. We highly recommend her giant rose pin. $11.99.
WHICH one of these lovely items, among others, will we be providing to the lucky winners tonight? Fortunately for the owners of AK-47 (oh yeah, we're on a nickname basis now), you have to show up to find out. See you tonight, kiddos! Oh -- and happy hour is now extended to NINE o'clock. Wooh!