Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fashion Blogs Go Big-Time

So as our blogroll grows by leaps and bounds, I feel I must spotlight a couple of new additions:

1) the fabulous, which I just realized is an Elizabeth Spiers jam. (If you're into the "blog scene," you know she's the founding editor of Gawker and mentioned in a lot of New York Times stories about blogs). It's very newsy and smart and relevant, and there was obviously a lot of money poured into it: I wonder how much that URL cost, just for starters.

2) Racked, brought to you by the same folks who brought you real estate blog Curbed and (my personal favorite) Eater. This one's about shopping, mostly in New York, but with some national bones thrown. Let's hope they lay off the pictures of boxes outside the new DVF store. Who really gives a fuck? Anyway, nice start. Carry on, fashion bloggers!