I'm taking advantage of these last few days before I start my NEW! JOB! to do some daytime shopping. But, as much as I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/5284/3230/1600/854006/gloves.jpg">($198, Superfine, gurej.com)
Love these very chic gloves. No love = the price.
($19, asos.com) Super cute, and LQQK! They also come in other great colors!
Except, don't kill me, but they don't ship to the U.S. So ring your UK mates on the telly and tell 'em to post it to you! Oooh jolly good.
($225, My Ass Jeans, Sevennewyork.com)
Seriously, these jeans are by "My Ass."
"What Are You Wearing?" "My Ass."
"Your ass looks great!" Thanks. They're 'My Ass.'"
The possibilities are endless.
And now, for the morts:
(Kenneth Cole, ebay)
Price: Your dignity (plus shipping).
Ok, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go watch the Victoria's Secret runway show from the discomfort of my Ab Roller.